Сладкие истории

S w e e t  S t o r i e s .
Updating the packaging design “Sweet Stories” brand.

Sweet Stories is a whole new world
of wonderful tasty treats.

Direction: "The Magic World of  Sweets"


s o l u t i o n​​​​​​​ .
We cleaned up the typography and logo, adding more
contrast between the graphic element and the background.

We managed to preserve the continuity:
keeping the image of the girl and the product
on each pack but tying them together into a single space.

The product description is integrated into the graphics
and appears as a natural addition to the logo.

Illustrations: Sasha Zutto
Typography in the logo: Olga Kovalenko
3D visualization: Alexey Shelukho
 Art Director: Maxim Alimkin

Сладкие истории

Сладкие истории

SWEET STORIES. Updating the packaging design “Sweet Stories” brand
